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A study of the efficiency of the magnetic compass correction system


In sailing conditions under the rolling, dynamic compass errors may appear due to the influence of the redistributed magnetic masses of the ship, as well as of centripetal and tangential accelerations. The influence of these errors can be compensated by introducing a correction system into the measuring circuit of the compass, which uses one gyroscopic angular rate sensor. The correction method is based on the use of a gyroscopic angular rate sensor with a vertical axis of sensitivity in the circuit. The generated signal is the difference between the output reading of the magnetic compass and the integrated signal of the angular rate sensor, which is insensitive to the action of translational acceleration and redistributed magnetic masses during the ship’s heel. The resulting difference will contain the compass error from the rolling effect, further compensated for in the compass output signal. The choice of the parameters of the dynamic links of the circuit for the implementation of the correction system and the study of its operation was carried out by simulation method using the proposed analytical expression for the error of the magnetic compass from the rolling effect. Comparison of the simulation results with the results of experimental studies of the compass was carried out using a specialized stand that simulates the yaw of a ship and allows one to change the value of the vector of the Earth’s magnetic field, when exposed to the magnetic system of the compass. Experimental studies of the compass showed that the pitching error correction coefficient is in the range 0.16-0.48 (average value is 0.35), when the object’s angular oscillation periods change from 6 to 28 s, which characterizes the degree of pitching suppression, and when modeling, the average value of the coefficient is 0.21. The underestimation of the correction factor in modeling is due to the lack of taking into account the dynamic properties of the compass rose and depends on the ratio of the periods of natural oscillations of the compass and the periods of disturbing influences. The results confirmed the high efficiency of the considered compass correction system and the required quality of the developed specialized stand for evaluating its work. The results of the study can be used in the development of modern magnetic compasses to ensure high accuracy of directional guidance through the use of the proposed correction system.


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